About Bernard Moore
Emeritus Congressional Senior Policy Advisor
Bernard Moore, Ph.D. is an author seasoned genealogist, political scientist and scholar in Black Politics. Researcher on focuses on African American and Pan African genealogy from Slavery to Freedom. Creator and Author of Tal Jones: A Black Legacy. He is a highly motivated, dedicated, and results-oriented scholar with more than 10 years of experience in genealogical research. As an Emeritus Congressional Senior Policy Adviser, he was focused on a multidimensional social justice agenda for members of Congress and is ranked and recognized as an academic scholar in Black politics. He served as Senior Policy Advisor/Fellow to the U.S. House of Representatives as well as a principal Policy Fellow for members of the Congressional Black Caucus. He is an expert is criminal justice reforms with respect to issues in reducing recidivism through evidence-based reentry practices and developing strategies to remove barriers to voting, disenfranchisement, and HIV/AIDS education in communities of color.
Website: www.taljoneslegacy.com
The Legacy of Tal Jones
“The dead cannot cry out for justice; It is the duty of the living to do so for them.”
The American Dream has perpetuated the myth that we all have an equal opportunity to generate
the kind of wealth that brings meaning to the words, life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness, as stated in the Declaration of Independence.
Were these truths evident at the time it was written? And are they evident for all today? Dr.
Moore will bring to light a compelling book and screenplay, based on the life of Tal Jones. It
is the true story of the history and legacy of a black family from Oklahoma’s oil-rich land. The
story moves the reader from a boy born into slavery to the emotional torment of being treated as
a chattel, to inheriting land that would ultimately lead to a multi-million-dollar fortune for
his descendants. Tal struck oil just before the historic Tulsa, Oklahoma massacre, a direct
consequence of black prosperity and oil.
Dr. Moore, the great-great-great-grandson of Tal Jones, has spent years diving into the archives
of the family’s history and spending numerous hours documenting the recollection of individual
family members. There are many layers to the Tal Jones story.